Friday, 9 January 2015

Introduction To dynamics Axapta

Microsoft Dynamics AX is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution for midsize and larger organizations that helps people to work effectively, manage change, and compete globally. Microsoft Dynamics AX works like and with familiar Microsoft software and is a solution that automates and streamlines financial, business intelligence, and supply chain processes in a way that can help you with your business.
The topics in this section provide information about the Microsoft Dynamics AX work space, common tasks that any user might complete, Enterprise Portal for Microsoft Dynamics AX information, and information about accessibility products and services from Microsoft.

Thanks You!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi! Do you know if the new version of axapta, Microsoft Dynamics 365 would have similar features and still be just as versatile as the previous one? I might be getting this soon:, what do you think?


Import General journal from excel in D365 F&O

 Hi Guys, Import General journal from excel in D365 F&O Code:  using System.IO; using OfficeOpenXml; using OfficeOpenXml.ExcelPackage; u...