Surrogate Key in Ax 2012 with example
Surrogate key is the system generated and recid based field it is works on primary key and it is managed by the kernel. InventTable using surrogate key and all other tables that have relations to InventTable using its surrogate key as a foreign key. In standard application scenarios, RecIds should not be displayed to the user, because a RecId by itself does not provide useful or easily understandable information and Surrogate key not for user interface.
UnitOfMeasure table is the example of surrogate key. UnitofMeasure table exist symbol field that is the part of the SymbolIdx index which is represented as replacement key.
Inheritance Among Tables in Ax 2012 with example
This is the new feature in Axapta 2012 table inheritance we can extend drive table by setting the properties on table. In earlier version of Axapta their is no features to extend table. One table is the proposed base table and the other is the proposed derived table. You should consider the use of inheritance between two tables.And we can use table inheritance among the table we need to set the all the bellow properties at the time of creation of tables.
Abstract - Yes
InstanceRelationType - InstancerelationType
SupportInheritance - Yes.
Example - "EcoResProduct" table is the example of Table inheritance in ax 2012.
when we have to add derived tables as a datasource on a form thn all its children will added automatically under the derived datasources node. Filed from the derieved datasources can be bound and linked to the form controls and we can add more datasource to the derived datasource.
Have a look --
EcoResProduct Table-
EcoResProductDetails Form-
Thank you so much!!! :-)
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