Wednesday, 18 November 2015

How to Export/Import Label files in AX [2012]

Hi guys,

Today in this session I am going to explain how to Import/Export labels in AX 2012.
Labels are pretty good to specify the user interface text for report and form. 
You can create Label from Label editor.
Open AOT  >  Tools > Label > Label editor
You view Label log from > AOT > Tools > Label > Label editor

Export label file-
Exporting Label file is very easy - Open AOT  > Label files  > Expand Label > select individual language.
Click on the "Export to the Label file" and provide the  path, Label file will export with the extension ".ald"


Import Label File -
Now we have to import Labels Open AOT > select Label File Node > Right click and click on "Create from Label" then browse earlier exported Label file with extension ".ald" and then click OK to Import Label file.

Note- If you want to update Label file follow same steps. 
but it will ask for Do you want to overwrite?
Hit enter.

It will update existing label file. 
And I hope it will helpful for you.......

More Info click here
Happy DAXing :-)


  1. welcome @gogia I will try to share some new real world stuff AX [2012].....

    Thanks for comment!
    Your suggestion and queries will improve my blog....


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